Best price for DrayTek Vigor 2830N-Plus ADSL/ADSL2+ Selectable Dual Band Wireless N Router Firewall & 4 Gigabit LAN Ports in UK and tend to SELL OUT VERY FAST!!!

If you would like for top recommended a Routers Draytek, then DrayTek Vigor 2830N-Plus ADSL/ADSL2+ Selectable Dual Band Wireless N Router Firewall & 4 Gigabit LAN Ports is our suggestion. Many good reviews already proving the quality of this product. And also you are going to satisfy with the reasonable cost in case you compare with the other similar item which is on the internet. If you wish to know further of this products, just read its main features below. ( Check Price Now )
Product is very good!
This listing is for the 2830N Plus - the dual band version of the 2830N.
Most wi-fi systems operate in 2.4GHz band but this is becoming increasingly congested with wi-fi networks, bluetooth, DECT phones and so forth. Draytek's 'Plus' routers can also operate in the 5.8GHz band which is currently much less congested. Please note you'll need to be sure your computer, wi-fi dongle etc. supports this band. Draytek's new N65 dongle does - see our other listings.
As well as providing a high-performance built-in ADSL/2+ modem, the 2830 series can support an unprecedented three simultaneous WAN connections - the built in modem, another feed via a gigabit WAN2 Ethernet connection, and a third WAN via a 3G modem. These three WANs can be configured for load-balancing or fail-over operation.
All four RJ45 LAN ports are gigabit capable. The 2830N's wi-fi capabilities start with the 3-aerial MIMO aerial system for optimal coverage in difficult conditions. Multiple levels of security include up to WPA2 encryption, 802.11x authentication, MAC address locking and DHCP fixing. There's also 'guest access' with password protection and up to 4 distinct networks via multiple SSIDs.
The 2830N (this listing) supports wireless networking on the 2.4GHz band. The 2830NP (see our other listings) can also operate on the less congested 5.8GHz band.
Draytek's firewall is legendary and the 2830 series has a full implementation, as well as content filtering and GlobalView Web Filtering (subject to subscription) making the 2830 one of the safest and most secure routers available in its category. A full specification is shown below and detailed information and screenshots can be found at draytek's website
Title: DrayTek Vigor 2830N-Plus ADSL/ADSL2+ Selectable Dual Band Wireless N Router Firewall & 4 Gigabit LAN Ports
Category: Routers
Brand: Draytek
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How to choose the best product depends on several factors, and it's important to sit down and consider these before you make the purchase to be sure you will be satisfied with your results.
This is a good time to read some reviews on the products you are considering. Pay close attention to what the most common positive ones are, and weigh this information against any negative factors. Do most people feel the product performs well?
See and Don't totally rule out a possible selection just because there are a couple of negative comments, if there are many more positive one's, as well. Some people just like to complain. It's good to take all factors into consideration and then make your decision based on that. I hope you found this article helpful in determining what the best product is for you.