Cheapest for iStorage IS-DA2-256-SSD-1000-B 1TB diskAshur2 USB 3.1 Portable Encrypted SSD Drive - Phantom Black in UK and tends to SOLD OUT REALLY FAST!!

If you need for top recommended a Products iStorage, then iStorage IS-DA2-256-SSD-1000-B 1TB diskAshur2 USB 3.1 Portable Encrypted SSD Drive - Phantom Black is our suggestion. Many good reviews already proving the quality of this product. And also you are going to satisfy with the reasonable cost in case you compare with the other similar item which is on the internet. If you wish to know further of this products, just read its main features below. ( Check Price Now )
Product is very good!
- Common Criteria EAL4+ ready on-board Security Processor
- FIPS PUB 197 Validated Encryption Algorithm
- Real-time military grade AES 256-bit XTS Full-Disk Hardware Encryption
- No software or drivers required - 100% Hardware Encryption
- OS & Platform Independent - Works on any device with a USB port
What is diskAshur2 SSD?
An easy to use ultra-secure, PIN authenticated, portable USB 3.1 Solid State Drive with real-time AES 256-bit XTS hardware encryption, software free design and super-fast data transfer speeds. The diskAshur2 SSD has an easy-to-use keypad design enabling you to securely access the drive with your own unique 7-15 digit PIN and with software free setup and operation, the diskAshur2 SSD is platform/device independent and works across all operating systems including all versions of MS Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, Chrome, Thin Clients, Zero Clients and embedded systems. In fact, it will work on any device with a USB port! One of the unique and underlying security features of the GDPR compliant diskAshur2 SSD is the dedicated hardware based secure microprocessor (Common Criteria EAL4+ ready), which employs built-in physical protection mechanisms designed to defend against external tamper, bypass attacks and more. Unlike other solutions, the diskAshur2 SSD reacts to an automated attack by entering the deadlock frozen state, which renders all such attacks as useless. In plain and simple terms, without the PIN thereÆs no way in!
* EDGETM (Enhanced Dual Generating Encryption) Technology
Offering advanced portable data security via built-in FIPS PUB 197 validated AES 256-bit XTS hardware encryption engine. The data encryption key is randomly generated by a Common Criteria EAL4+ ready Random Number Generator and protected by NCSC, FIPS and Common Criteria validated wrapping algorithms. Uniquely featuring a dedicated on-board Common Criteria EAL4+ ready secure microprocessor to enhance security through true random number generation and built-in cryptography. The security component employs physical protection mechanisms to protect itself from any external tamper, bypass laser attacks and fault injections and incorporates active-shield violation technology. More specifically, the secure microprocessor reacts to...
Title: iStorage IS-DA2-256-SSD-1000-B 1TB diskAshur2 USB 3.1 Portable Encrypted SSD Drive - Phantom Black
Category: Products
Brand: iStorage
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How to choose the best product depends on several factors, and it's important to sit down and consider these before you make the purchase to be sure you will be satisfied with your results.
This is a good time to read some reviews on the products you are considering. Pay close attention to what the most common positive ones are, and weigh this information against any negative factors. Do most people feel the product performs well?
See and Don't totally rule out a possible selection just because there are a couple of negative comments, if there are many more positive one's, as well. Some people just like to complain. It's good to take all factors into consideration and then make your decision based on that. I hope you found this article helpful in determining what the best product is for you.